Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated Securities Litigation

The purpose of this website is to advise members of the Settlement Class of the Settlement of the Action entitled Ferraro Family Foundation, Inc., et al. v. Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated, et al., Case No. 3:19-cv-01372-JD, now pending in the United States District Court, Northern District of California San Francisco Division.



1. To be eligible to recover as a member of the Settlement Class based on your claims in the action entitled Ferraro Family Foundation, Inc., et al. v. Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated, et al ., Case No. 3:19-CV-01372-JD (the “Action”), you must complete and electronically sign this Proof of Claim and Release Form (“Claim Form”). If you fail to submit a timely Claim Form, your claim may be rejected and you may not be eligible to receive any money from the Net Settlement Fund created in connection with the proposed Settlement.

2. Submission of this Claim Form, however, does not ensure that you will share in the proceeds of the Settlement.


If you are NOT a member of the Settlement Class (as defined in the Notice of Pendency of Class Action and Proposed Settlement, Final Approval Hearing, and Motion for Attorneys’ Fees and Reimbursement of Litigation Expenses (“Notice”), DO NOT submit a Claim Form.

4. If you are a member of the Settlement Class and you have not timely requested exclusion in response to the Summary Notice (dated February 5, 2024), Notice, or Postcard Notice, you are bound by the terms of any judgment entered in the Action, including the releases provided therein, WHETHER OR NOT YOU SUBMIT A CLAIM FORM OR RECEIVE A PAYMENT.


1. If you purchased or otherwise acquired common stock or options to purchase common stock of Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated (“Corcept” or the “Company”), during the period from August 2, 2017 through January 31, 2019, inclusive, (the “Settlement Class Period”) and held the securities in your name, you are the beneficial owner as well as the record owner. If, however, you purchased or otherwise acquired the publicly traded common stock and/or options of Corcept through a third party during the Settlement Class Period, such as a brokerage firm, you are the beneficial owner, and the third party is the record owner. For the purposes of this Settlement, you are a Settlement Class Member if you purchased or otherwise acquired Corcept common stock or options between August 2, 2017 and January 31, 2019, inclusive, and were injured thereby.

2. Use Part I: “Claimant Identification” to identify each beneficial purchaser or acquirer of Corcept common stock and options that form the basis of this claim, as well as the purchaser or acquirer of record if different. THIS CLAIM MUST BE FILED BY THE ACTUAL BENEFICIAL PURCHASER(S) OR THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF SUCH PURCHASER(S).

3. All joint purchasers must sign this claim. Executors, administrators, guardians, conservators, and trustees must complete and sign this claim on behalf of persons represented by them and their authority must accompany this claim and their titles or capacities must be stated. Signature of this form by such a representative constitutes certification of his or her authority to act on behalf of Claimant. The Social Security (or Taxpayer Identification) Number and telephone number of the beneficial owner may be used in verifying the claim. Failure to provide the foregoing information could delay verification of your claim or result in rejection of the claim.


1. Use Part II of the online claim form to supply all required details of your transaction(s) in Corcept common stock, including both: (1) open market common stock purchases; and (2) common stock that was purchased pursuant to: (a) the exercise of a call option(s); and (b) the assignment of a put option(s). If you need more space or additional schedules, attach separate sheets giving all of the required information in substantially the same form. Sign and print or type your name on each additional sheet.

2. Use Part III of the online claim form to supply all required details of your transaction(s) in Corcept call options, including transactions in call options that were exercised and resulted in the purchase of Corcept common stock. If you need more space or additional schedules, attach separate sheets giving all of the required information in substantially the same form. Sign and print or type your name on each additional sheet.

3. On the schedules, provide all of the requested information with respect to all of your holdings, purchases, acquisitions, and sales of Corcept common stock, call options, and put options during the period from August 2, 2017 through and including January 31, 2019, whether such transactions resulted in a profit or a loss. Failure to report all such transactions may result in the rejection of your claim.

4. The date of covering a “short sale” is deemed to be the date of purchase of Corcept common stock. The date of a “short sale” is deemed to be the date of sale of Corcept common stock.

5. Copies of broker confirmations or other documentation of your transactions must be attached to your claim. Failure to provide this documentation could delay verification of your claim or result in rejection of your claim. Plaintiffs do not have information about your transactions in Corcept common stock, call options, or put options.

6. NOTICE REGARDING ELECTRONIC FILES: Certain Claimants with large numbers of transactions may request, or may be requested, to submit information regarding their transactions in electronic files. All Claimants MUST submit a manually signed paper Claim Form whether or not they also submit electronic copies. If you wish to file your claim electronically, you must contact the Claims Administrator at (877) 390-3297 to obtain the required file layout. No electronic files will be considered to have been properly submitted unless the Claims Administrator issues to the claimant a written acknowledgment of receipt and acceptance of electronically submitted data.